AlHana Fresh Mint Lemon Soft Drink 250ml
AlHana Fresh Mint Lemon Soft Drink 250ml
Fresh Mint Lemon is a refreshing and invigorating beverage that combines the zesty goodness of lemon with the cool and refreshing taste of mint. Our Mint Lemon Juice is the perfect fusion of flavors, offering a delightful and uplifting experience with every sip. The refreshing aroma and cooling sensation of mint complements the tanginess of lemon, creating a harmonious blend of flavors that is both soothing and revitalizing.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Sugar, Lemon Juice and Mint Juice, Regulator Carbondioxide (E - 290) Citric Acid E - 330 Class 11 Preservative (Sodium Benzonate E - 211).
Healthy Benefits:
• Treats Indigestion
• Rich Source of Vitamin C
• Rich Source of Antioxidants
• Brings down high Cholesterol Levels
• Promotes Healthy Skin